about me

laurel lather
hello…my name is laurel, my passion for food and gardening started as a young girl growing up in Wisconsin…my grandpa had a greenhouse that was attached to the back of the garage along with bountiful herb, vegetable, and flower gardens…my gramma, in her colorful apron, was happily in charge of harvest and preparation…my fondest memories were the days spent with them in the sunshine of the backyard and her cozy kitchen
little did I know that those moments would lead me on a lifetime pursuit to please people’s palate…I don’t want this introduction to start sounding like a resume, so I will just say that my culinary journey has been extensive, from starting my first business, Laurel’s Country Herbs, at the age of 22, to “retiring” at 65, after closing my restaurant/cheese & wine shop, The Market
turning in the key to my business life opened a whole new door…my focus switched from plate to pen, finally completing Nostalgic Feast, the cookbook I had longed to write…my newly found free time has also allowed me to make my gardens more grandiose, to host teaching classes, to redevelop my herb blends, and have even taken a liking to painting, creating a recipe on canvas
my blog is yet another way to continue sharing my passion with you…my time-honored recipes are meant to be an inspiration to help you find the enjoyment that preparing a new, delicious dish for family and friends offers, and to inform you on the newest tastes that intrigue my palate…I hope the stories of my culinary journey takes you down your own nostalgic path